hay meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
hay meaning in tamil is காய்ந்த புல்

hay meaning in tamil with example

hay tamil meaning and more example for hay will be given in tamil.
The Minister said the efforts of the Agriculture Department to encourage paddy cultivation would increase the availability of hay for the buffalos. A bull walking through a bed of burning coal and hay in Bangalore on Saturday when Makara Sankranti was celebrated. Valliammai students of Kathirgamam GGHSS which showed that when hay is sprayed with diammonium phosphate it does not catch fire easily. West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee said here on Tuesday that the mahajot being talked of by the Trinamool Congress and the Congress would be blown off like hay by the wind of popular opinion in the coming polls. Meanwhile a farm worker had set ablaze leftover hay after harvesting in a paddy field close to the place where the lambs were left. That still does not stop them from making hay while the sun shines Election time is a good time to persuade politicians to see justice in their demands. That still does not stop them from making hay while the sun shines Election time is a good time to persuade politicians to see justice in their demands. Visveswar Reddy explained that groundnut crop cultivated in about 20 lakh acres during the last kharif season was a complete failure and the hay of the crop was not even useful for fodder due to excessive rain during the harvesting period. MADURAI True to the saying make hay while the sun shines Rajasthan potters have pitched their tent on roadside near Mattuthavani to cash in on dog days which have begun to scorch Madurai. 151 Staff Reporter Lorry catches fire Thiruvananthapuram A lorryladen with hay caught fire near Nettinkuzhi in Vilappilsala police station limits on Monday afternoon.