dimensions meaning in tamil
dimensions meaning in tamil with example
dimensions tamil meaning and more example for dimensions will be given in tamil.
TERRORISM IN all its dimensions has a long history in India the attack at the Indian Institute of Science IISc Bangalore was only the latest incident. Thursdays impersonator moved like she was clad in cement shoes collected so many errors it seemed she forgot the dimensions of the court and owned the distracted body language of a player whose rhythm had abruptly gone on holiday. The growing importance of different dimensions of geography warrants its study as a specialised subject at school level speakers at the inaugural of the Indian geographical Society Annual Conference 2006 emphasised here on Friday. The Minister said there were two dimensions to the project one to have discussions in the bilateral mode between India and Pakistan and Iran and India and the second not to get involved in the project but negotiate with Iran to purchase gas at the border. The question and answer session between Nachiketa and Yama that forms the framework of this Upanishad assumes great significance because it deals with the physical and metaphysical planes of human existence with immense clarity while also reinforcing the moral dimensions governing ones life. The new dimensions are creative skills study skills social skills occupational skills interpersonal skills and strategic skills. Persons from different faiths and creeds and different religious or economic and political dimensions were attracted by him. He also inaugurated the Sarvodaya fortnight organised under the auspices of the Gandhian Integrated Forum Trust GIFT.