Senthamil Font Download
Help to download
இறக்க உதவி
- Click on the following any one link to download the specific font
- One dialog box will ask open/save/cancel please select the save
- Save in your font directory ex. c:\windows\fonts
- Now font is ready to use
- If you dont have permissionn to write the file in fonts directory please
check your provileges
- Some reasons : 1. You may not have admin privileges(permission). 2.It may
be read only directory
Steps to use typwriter standard font
- Just open the notepad
- format->font->select font as senthamil
- Now type through ur english/tamil or any keyboard
- If you want type the word "Tamil in tamil" you have to type "jkpo".
Steps to use Unicode font
- Just open the notepad
- fontmat->font->select font as senthamil
- Now type through ur english/tamil or any keyboard
- If you want type the word "Tamil in tamil" you have to type "jkpo".
- Click here or visit and click on font converter
- Copy the typed text from notepad ex "jkpo" for tamil.
- Now paste the text in upper text box
- then click on "Convert as Unicode" button
- Now you can see the unicode font in the second white box(textbox)
- Now you use any where
Font Download