zeal meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
zeal meaning in tamil is பெரும் ஆர்வம், உற்சாகம்

zeal meaning in tamil with example

zeal tamil meaning and more example for zeal will be given in tamil.
Terrorists act with fanatical zeal and even get away in countries such as Israel where security is extremely tight. Bhogi was celebrated with traditional zeal in Tirupati on Friday when residents gathered and burnt the household junk material on the streets. Mehta showed keen interest in the project but now the zeal is missing since the new Commissioner A. K. Constructive activities He said NSS volunteers are being involved in the programme following the zeal they displayed for constructive activities during the annual camps. 500 was being given to the beneficiaries to construct toilets in households under the programme beneficiaries had shown the zeal to contribute the rest of the money to build toilets which was encouraging. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavans Mehta Vidyalaya here celebrated its Annual Day on Friday with zeal and fervour. It was a common perception in Egypt then that Israels unmatched religious zeal was responsible for the Arab defeat and that therefore Islam was the right antidote. Their zeal for ideological purity pushed them into positions from which it is hard to escape without looking as though they are betraying themselves. Naidu said he would show as much zeal in promoting these areas in the next ten years as he had shown in giving a push to Information Technology and ITenabled services earlier. Students of nursery section presented sunflower drill. Children participated with zeal in many athletic events. Behind that is a zeal to create what he calls a world without visas without frontiers and differences between people. The long journey has made him realise that all people behind their ethnic and cultural differences are similar to each other.