wacky meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
wacky meaning in tamil is ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட விடயத்தில் தீவிர ஆர்வமாக அல்லது பைத்தியமாக இரு

wacky meaning in tamil with example

wacky tamil meaning and more example for wacky will be given in tamil.
Sudhakar known for his wacky creations on wheels is back again with a footballshaped car to mark the forthcoming FIFA World Cup. The Britannia Tigers Topsy Turvy round was the fun part of the whole show as the participants and the audience tried framing wacky questions for the answers flashed on the screen. Relish stole the show as the girls got on the ramp to display their wacky costumes and answer the commonsensical questions of judges. Relish stole the show as the girls got on the ramp to display their wacky costumes and answer the commonsensical questions of judges. More wacky and colourful the objects are the better the chances of remembering them he told them.