vulgar meaning in tamil
vulgar meaning in tamil with example
vulgar tamil meaning and more example for vulgar will be given in tamil.
Gandhi also reiterated the need to avoid ostentation and vulgar display of wealth by party members in organising social functions such as marriages and birthday parties. Dhawan who had been expelled from the Congress a few years ago appreciated the Congress president Sonia Gandhis statement exhorting the party leaders to shun ostentatious lifestyle and vulgar display of wealth which was an insult to the poor. The police removed a hoarding on Anna Salai of Kalvanin Kadhali a recently released Tamil film which depicted a pair of actors in a vulgar manner he said. The Andhra Pradesh Mahila Samakhya affiliated to the CPI has urged the Government to take steps to check vulgar depiction of women in films and TV serials. As the dances turned vulgar later in the night the police stopped it and they took the dancers into custody. It appealed to all progressive secular and nationalist forces to rise against this crude and vulgar attempt to communalise the terrorist attack and expressed confidence that the nation as a whole would resolutely fight both terrorism and communalism and would not support any diversionary tactic. The letter also states that despite the presence of a Joint Control Room on the campus no action was taken to stop this vulgar drama. We were an happy family even though we might not have had a lot of money. Though the conditions and culture of North Chennai made him the singer he is today Ulaganathan asserts he religiously avoided the vulgar lyrics that many associate gaana with.