type meaning in tamil
type meaning in tamil with example
type tamil meaning and more example for type will be given in tamil.
As the world is changing so must we... I want to usher in a new type of politics in this country constructive thoughtful and openminded he said. The lessons of cold war are all before us. On the political dialogue and type of solutions some based on cartographic changes coming mostly from outside the country he said he would not like to discuss specific solutions. Also it has been claimed that the stringent penalties proposed for various acts of omission and commission will discourage the right type of people from volunteering to be independent directors. The kind of attention that was paid to curb naxalism was not being given to tackle this type of terrorism and accused the Government of pursuing votebank politics. Details such as patient name age address inpatient or outpatient number the type of disease and the nature of treatment and the duration will be fed into the system by six data entry operators appointed for this purpose. Provisions and Bengali type of utensils are provided to them so that they can prepare their own food. There were some more video parlours in the town which were involved in these type of offences and therefore the police kept a close watch on them he said. Podanur is being upgraded into a City police A type station with 70 police personnel including two inspectors for the crime and law and order wing. But the importance of land use planning and land use controls even in rural areas of a State like Kerala with dense scattered type of settlements is not yet fully realised by our decisionmakers.