sure meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
sure meaning in tamil is உறுதி, நிச்சயம்

sure meaning in tamil with example

sure tamil meaning and more example for sure will be given in tamil.
Though we are sure that forest will not disappear one fine day we have to have enough sense to protect and use well the resources that are at hand adds Vivek. South Africa captain Graeme Smith isnt sure of the shape of his attack although hes fairly sure hell only include one specialist spinner. Elections to the MCD are scheduled for early 2007 and if the present mess is any indication then the Congress sure has its work cut out. Young people can act as local experts and make sure everybody does it R.I.G.H.T. The Health Minister K.K. Ramachandran has offered Government support for the programme. You can be sure it will be a flop but you will achieve what you desire to arrange a gettogether inviting politicians and film stars for the fifth birthday of your pet dog in a five star hotel. Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy who called on the Dalai Lama said that Andhra Pradesh had always been a part of the Buddhist circuit and that the Government would do everything to make sure that Buddhists had a comfortable stay here. He was not sure which allindoor Permit meetings in Europe had womens long jump and which ones would be able to accommodate Anju. The latter is said to have expressed confidence in the State Governments capability to make sure that the allocation was spent well and on time to take the State forward to achieving the goal. The recent insistence on collective leadership is a sure recipe for further anarchy and a war of all against all. The move was sure to anger Washington and the European Union which fear the Islamic state wants to make atomic fuel to build bombs.