shipyard meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
shipyard meaning in tamil is கப்பல் பட்டறை

shipyard meaning in tamil with example

shipyard tamil meaning and more example for shipyard will be given in tamil.
Gianino who said he had visited Alang and was appalled by the conditions of work and the cavalier attitude towards industrial safety displayed by shipyard owners and others he came into contact with. Greepeace and three other environmental groups have tried for months to block the operation on the grounds that Indian shipyard workers are not properly protected from the hazards of working with asbestos which can cause fatal lung diseases. The CITU district committee has condemned attempts to privatise or promote joint ventures in the public sector Hindustan Shipyard Limited HSL. Ajay Sarma said the engineering fabrication and erection works received by the shipyard should be done by the shipyard employees. However the shipyard officials or workers were not involved in the execution the district committee secretary alleged. Public protest against the breaking of decommissioned toxic French aircraft carrier Clemenceau in a Gujarat shipyard is fast gaining ground in Delhi. Employees of Hindustan Shipyard Limited HSL owing allegiance to seven trade unions will stage a dharna in front of the public sector undertakings main gate at Scindia on Wednesday. The committee strongly protested the measures being taken to privatise the shipyard andor to run it as a joint venture. The main trade unions of the shipyard INTUC CITU AITUC HMS TNETU SETUC and TNTUCS formed the shipyard protection committee. HSL entered into an agreement with the private shipbuilding company GEML for building 10 ships four ships of 30000 dwt each and six ships of 52000 dwt each but the latters interference in the functioning of the shipyard was increasing every day the protection committee said.