scold meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
scold meaning in tamil is திட்டு

scold meaning in tamil with example

scold tamil meaning and more example for scold will be given in tamil.
Other interesting facts that have been brought out by the study are that masters men choose more severe punishment while teachers women only scold students. Devotees scold one another and also the passersby with obscene words which are mostly unprintable but taken as a blessing. Fearing that her parents would scold her the girl poured kerosene over her body and allegedly set herself afire. Fearing that her parents would scold her the girl poured kerosene over her body and allegedly set herself afire. He will constantly watch over his disciple and correct his lapses like a mother who will cajole scold and if necessary punish her child so that it grows up into a good person. Fearing that their parents would scold them all the three slept at a good Samaritans house in Gangondanahalli on Thursday night the police said quoting the two girls. Harsh also deposed that his father used to quarrel with the deceased and play cards and scold his mother in front of guests the court noted saying that this established the charge of cruelty against the accused.