quality meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
quality meaning in tamil is தரம்

quality meaning in tamil with example

quality tamil meaning and more example for quality will be given in tamil.
We have built up an unparalleled reputation and goodwill based on high quality financial service including online banking services. Well make efforts to accelerate the pace of reform and openingup enhance capability in independent innovation give impetus to the shift in economic restructuring and in the mode of economic growth and improve the quality and results of economic growth he said. preparing farmers to produce large quantity of bivoltine cocoons of improved races to meet the demand for high quality silk by weavers and to make the country selfsufficient in raw silk requirement Dr. With public institutions supplying barely 15 to 20 per cent of total seed requirement of farmers the confederation urged the Government to allocate sufficient funds during the 200607 budget for development and supply of quality seeds. He said none was against the use of modern technology in the bank to improve efficiency and quality of service. The note added that Hallmarking ensured the quality of gold used in jewellery in respect of caratage fineness and purity. The Government will provide all help to government hospitals to ensure that they provide quality service to the deprived sections of society. In 1992 for instance the absence of quality broadcasting content in India led to an explosion in channels once the cable television industry was liberalised. Narayanarao Established in 1993 at Nellore to impart quality education Gomathy School has lived up to expectations. The consumers expressed disapproval over many things like inconvenient entrance high prices on Sundays and festivals availability of fewer varieties lack of quality vegetables during evening hours and not much difference between Rythu Bazar prices and local market rates.