prosperous meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
prosperous meaning in tamil is இலாபகரமான, செழுமையான

prosperous meaning in tamil with example

prosperous tamil meaning and more example for prosperous will be given in tamil.
While Minister for Revenue K.M. Mani wished the New Year to be prosperous and plentiful Minister for Education E.T. Mohammed Basheer wanted hopes and dreams to be realised. The celebrations provided an opportunity for the adjudicators and the advocates to shake hands exchange greetings and of course to wish a happy and prosperous new year to one another. Merkel expressed the hope that Russia would emerge as a stable and prosperous neighbour of the European Union. By just making enough buses available we were able to attract passengers he said adding the main reason was becoming were prosperous enough these days that they do not mind spending money to visit their near and dear. With so many buildings destroyed and so few jobs for a youthful population born and reared into mayhem the flashing green and red offers cautious but tangible evidence that normality may be returning to what was once a stable and relatively prosperous nation. Valuebased education Asked about the role of spirituality in a globalising world he said even economically prosperous societies were not happy. South Korea had evolved into one of the most prosperous nations of Asia and was a great example and inspiration for many developing countries. We have grown up hearing the story of King Mahabali who is believed to have ruled Malayalis from his prosperous empire. The Social Democrats formerly Denmarks largest party and the force behind its postwar social reforms were forced to realise that the rhetoric of solidarity and social reforms no longer impressed voters in an increasingly prosperous economy.