priority meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
priority meaning in tamil is சலுகை, முதன்மை

priority meaning in tamil with example

priority tamil meaning and more example for priority will be given in tamil.
Inaugurating a computer training centre set up by an SHG at Poomalai commercial complex on the banks of Gopal Samudram tank here on Friday he said top priority has been given to SHG members while allocating the shops in these commercial complexes. The New Year assumes significance for both Ganguly and Chappell and though they are not on the same wavelength in many ways their top priority is the 2007 World Cup. He also demanded the Government to accord priority for the relief and rehabilitation of land oustees before taking up the project. For Farah of the Computer Science Department of the same college priority for the New Year is cutting down time on online chats and blogging and makes her time more productive. Later in an informal interaction with media persons Mr.Surender Singh said that his priority would be to complete pending works ensure proper coordination with the Chandigarh Administration maintain good relations with the officers and usher in development in the election year. In the lending to priority sector the district achieved 41 per cent as against the national norm of 40 per cent and State average of 37.57 per cent. State Bank of India SBI Salem Region has extended 63.59 per cent of loans to the priority sector as against the minimum of 40 per cent. Hygiene priority SHG members running the canteen told The HolyIndia that the sales was very limited. Detective Sergeant John Roberts head of a Gloucestershire policing priority unit tackling the drugs problem said the involvement of such a young child was rare but dealers routinely used 12 or 13yearolds often their own children.