persuasion meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
persuasion meaning in tamil is நம்பச் செய், உறுதியான நம்பிக்கை

persuasion meaning in tamil with example

persuasion tamil meaning and more example for persuasion will be given in tamil.
Following some persuasion and convincing by the police the market association agreed to bear the entire installation cost which was to the tune of a couple of lakhs. Owing to constant persuasion by the BDA slowly they are trying to come under the influence of modernisation Mr. Where States give up access to natural resources within protected areas a liberal compensation scheme may be more effective than political persuasion in winning support for the tiger. Despite the direction of court warning of municipal officials and persuasion by politicians fishermen continue to sell fish on either side of PallipalayamErode Main Road in an unhygienic condition lamented E. Appreciating the tremendous efforts made by Union Minister for Information Technology Dayanidhi Maran the Chief Minister said it was due to his persuasion with investors in the US that such a huge investment had come to India. In 1822 the Europeans in Madurai and Christians of Anglican persuasion desired to construct a bigger church to meet their requirement. Nuclear weapons are dreaded ones and no amount of persuasion for their proliferation should be accepted as these will degenerate the present world. According to S.E. the continuous persuasion by their field staff has resulted in fixing of capacitors by 9500 farmers in the district and another 13000 farmers are yet to fix capacitors. Sambasiva Rao does not expect miracles to take place but hopes that persuasion at all levels and cashing on the right opportunity at the right time could materialise setting up the university.