microbiology meaning in tamil
microbiology meaning in tamil with example
microbiology tamil meaning and more example for microbiology will be given in tamil.
Physics has been scheduled for March 4 and Political Science Marketing and Microbiology will be some of the subjects scheduled for March 6. All the labs in the building including microbiology and biochemistry labs are being brought together in a single complex so that patients can have easy access to these. The samples have been sent for analysis at the Government Analytical Laboratory and the Microbiology Department of the Medical College Hospital. She said the food samples collected were sent for examination to the Analytical Laboratory and the Microbiology Department of the Medical College. The food samples had been sent by the District Food Inspector to the Microbiology department of the Medical College Hospital and the samples of raw materials collected from Vanchi Poor Fund which had prepared the food that led to the infection to the Government Analysis Lab GAL. Josephs College Biotechnology Association Nagendran Ramalingam from Ludwig Maximilians University Munich Germany speaks on Acting dynamics 5.30 p.m. Jamal Mohamed College Botany and Microbiology Association special lecture on bioremediation by M. As a part of the expansion activities the university will start Sociology Psychology English Journalism and Mass Communication Microbiology and Biotechnology departments in addition to the existing 12 departments and will offer research programmes. The new departments will provide better research and development support to the students especially in the Microbiology and Biotechnology fields which are fast developing in the country.