grievance meaning in tamil
grievance meaning in tamil with example
grievance tamil meaning and more example for grievance will be given in tamil.
The Nadaswaram party played Kuraiyondrumillai Maraimurhy Kanna highlighting that there is no grievance whatsoever when there are people to care and share both happiness and sorrow. The Nadaswaram party played Kuraiyondrumillai Maraimurhy Kanna highlighting that there is no grievance whatsoever when there are people to care and share both happiness and sorrow. Chandrasekaran distributed welfare assistance worth Rs.5.62 lakhs to 69 beneficiaries under various schemes at the grievance day meeting held here on Monday. He disbursed the first instalment of monthly pension allotted to Abdul Jayalani 15 a physically challenged person whose plight was brought to the notice of officials concerned during the last grievance day meeting. Babunath Malli Superintending Engineer of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Metro Madurai will convene a consumer grievance day meeting at Madurai North Division Office between 11a.m. and 1 p.m. on January 5. Consumers residing at Tamukkam Teppam Munichalai Arasamaram Race Course Sellur and Tagore Nagar areas can air their grievance at the meeting either in person or through petitions according to a TNEB press release. Adalat on January 8 A grievance redressal adalat will be organised at the Nandavanom police camp here from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. on January 8 by Inspector General of Police South Zone T.P. Sen Kumar. Sriram Panchu senior advocate who spoke on Consumer law for developing countries explained the significance of the CPA and the several advantages consumers had for seeking grievance redress under the legislation.