foreground meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
foreground meaning in tamil is முன்னணி

foreground meaning in tamil with example

foreground tamil meaning and more example for foreground will be given in tamil.
Lush greenery on the banks of the Cauvery green canopy in the foreground and deep blue sky in the background birds taking to flight only to make a pattern in the sky and return to perch on the trees... . welcome to Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary in Srirangapatana. The foreground is for youngsters with their own dreams yet somewhere down the line all sons of the soil. The foreground is for youngsters with their own dreams yet somewhere down the line all sons of the soil. The foreground is for youngsters with their own dreams and aspirations yet somewhere down the line all sons of the soil. Subramanyam sounded highly impressed with the metal barricades installed in front of the Mahadwaram of the temple and also the steps taken to decongest the foreground in front of the shrine so that in the event of any security exigency they could come handy to meet the situation. In the foreground is the caricature of one of the persons who made anonymous calls warning that b ombs had been planted before the twin blasts in the city on Friday. Occupying most of the foreground would be Londons political villages of Westminster and Whitehall together with the home of Londons political elite Islington or Notting Hill according to taste in their shadow. As for the National Common Minimum Programme NCMP commitment it would be important to foreground the propoor initiatives proposed in the Plan especially the one to enhance the food security from the household to the national level. Valmiki delineates his objective right at the outset by positing Rama as the personification of all excellences and the storyline helps to foreground the rationale of the Lords manifestation.