fatigue meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
fatigue meaning in tamil is களைப்பு, சோர்வு

fatigue meaning in tamil with example

fatigue tamil meaning and more example for fatigue will be given in tamil.
Eye fatigue can be reduced among contactlens users if they take the trouble of blinking regularly and use eyemoisturising drops to avoid dry eyes. Eye fatigue can be reduced among contactlens users if they take the trouble of blinking regularly and use eyemoisturising drops to avoid dry eyes. After suffering user fatigue from early experience of mobile applications it is great to see things changing so fast. The greatest contribution of the modern bands is that it not only minimises fatigue of the marching troops but also enlivens the spirits of all the onlookers watching the grand display of harmonic sounds and colours added Gen. By encouraging competition inside India as well as from outside the country breeders would be motivated to provide high quality planting material to overcome stagnation in crop yield caused by plant breeding fatigue and lack of new varieties. The band began with So Tired but showed no hint of fatigue with energy that they sustained throughout the performance. Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee who was discharged on Monday from the AllIndia Institute of Medical Sciences where he was admitted for chest infection showed little signs of fatigue and appeared to enjoy the Budget speech. The bid to increase freight traffic will lead to overloading of the existing wagons and this will cause fatigue to the components he said. There is a pattern and the motive seems to be to create a fatigue in law enforcement agencies and degrade the response of security agencies he said.