devotion meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
devotion meaning in tamil is முழு ஈடுபாடுடன், பக்தி

devotion meaning in tamil with example

devotion tamil meaning and more example for devotion will be given in tamil.
When the joy of devotion to the Lord takes hold of the mind man frees himself from the bondage of the world. Scores of Tibetans and other Buddhist tourists in city for Kalachakra showed their devotion by turning up at his various programmes. In this connection the Holy Quran says in its inimitable expression that it is not the flesh and blood that reach God but the devotion one has for Him. Kalpana began searching for good Government schools and zeroed in on Madhapur school impressed by the devotion of teachers. He lamented the plight of the theatre and hapless artistes who stuck to it despite all odds and recalled how the oldest form of art was used in days of yore as the medium for spreading devotion and perpetuating ancient schools of thought values heritage and culture. She attributed her success to her family and faculty members and she said she followed 3Dsdetermination devotion and dedication. His devotion grew in leaps and bounds and the hymn he composed on the childhood deeds of Krishna became a devotional classic. A courtesan who was determined to distract him from his singleminded devotion imposed herself on him and slowly he succumbed to her charm till he became obsessed with her. Saint Thayumanavar an 18th century Tamil saint poet of South India who was steeped in devotion to the Supreme Being believed that spiritual maturity had to be gained through sheer grit and determination. In the quest for the ultimate goal knowledge of the Supreme Being and devotion to Him play a very important role in the souls progress.