debt meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
debt meaning in tamil is கடன் பாக்கி

debt meaning in tamil with example

debt tamil meaning and more example for debt will be given in tamil.
If the Government had set apart Rs.1000 crores from this debt amount for the agriculture sector the farmers would not have been pushed to commit suicide he said adding that Rs.500 crores would have saved traditional sectors from collapse Mr. If the Government had set apart Rs.1000 crores from this debt amount for the agriculture sector the farmers would not have been pushed to commit suicide he said adding that Rs.500 crores would have saved traditional sectors from collapse Mr. Speaking to presspersons H.R. Lakshman Gowda president of the Karnataka Growers Federation said here on Monday that banks have issued notices to growers after referring their case to the Debt Recovery Tribunal. The failure in Hong Kong to achieve anything like a positive outcome for developing countries was a big blow given that the huge costs of unfair trade dwarf the pocket money deals on debt and aid. In the 1990s the debt campaigners laboured away on the margins of the Labour party and never dreamed of the kind of easy access to ministerial ears their successors regard as routine. It finally offered a decent debt deal after 20 years of campaigning there was a promise yet to be fulfilled to double aid by 2010 and there was a surprise goody thrown in 151 a hugely ambitious target for universal access to HIVAIDS treatment. Hyderabad Live a fairy tale All those who have kilos of gold should donate it to Lord Venkateshwara so that He will clear off his debt to Kubera. French President Jacques Chirac made cutting huge public debt a priority for 2006 announcing plans on Tuesday to create a new spending watchdog.