curious meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
curious meaning in tamil is அறிய ஆவல் கொண்ட, பிறர் விவகாரங்களில் தலையிடுகிற, அபூர்வமான

curious meaning in tamil with example

curious tamil meaning and more example for curious will be given in tamil.
What is however curious is that the BJP leaders seem so anxious to overlook the simple fact that in the organisations 50yearlong existence beginning as the Bharatiya Jana Sangh the only time it was able to secure a semblance of a national mandate was when it projected Mr. Most of the older animals moved at a dignified pace unfazed by the traffic on the road and the presence of curious onlookers. A fully fertile scenario on a partially wornout compound wall at Anna Nagar in the city which was left behind by a vagabond coming alive out of his deft hands so grippingly that the police had to appear on the scene to regulate the teeming traffic and curious spectators. That is why I like to go around and remove the fear of snakes from peoples minds. Holding a python Rajkumar explained its features and habits to curious onlookers at the Rotary conference. Once off the ground you will be on your own exploring newer horizons and chance encountering with curious birds. Even as the participants explain how the puppets could help them spread the message of health sanitation and hygiene curious children wander in through the open doors of the anganwadi centre at Venkatapuram enticed by the colour ribbons and evolving puppets. Even as the participants explain how the puppets could help them spread the message of health sanitation and hygiene curious children wander in through the open doors of the anganwadi centre at Venkatapuram enticed by the colour ribbons and evolving puppets. And I may really love three of them. Answering curious questions as to which of his favourite songs he would be including in the concert Adams said he would be playing all the songs that his fans love and some new songs.