cigar meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
cigar meaning in tamil is சுருட்டு

cigar meaning in tamil with example

cigar tamil meaning and more example for cigar will be given in tamil.
Getting the Big B to stub out his controversial cigar in the home version of the Family cassette manufacturing company Shemaroo has decided to censor the cigar in the small screen version. The National Organisation for Tobacco Eradication NOTE had strongly objected to showing Amitabh Bachchan smoking a cigar on its promotional posters on the large screen when the film was to be released. Determined to stay far away from this association Shemaroo got rid of the smoking cigar from its Video Compact Disks VCD and the Digital Video Disks DVD. The Andhra Pradesh Beedi and Cigar Workers Union has threatened to agitate if Centre fails to sanction houses for its members despite payment of Rs. The demonstrators protested that the authorities of Labour Department failed to get the cigar company owners to implement the revised minimum wages. Cottage industry About 1000 families make a living on cigar making in the city. According to fire and rescue service officials a leak from the cigar light charger inside the vehicle could have led to the fire which was put out in 30 minutes. The Andhra Pradesh Beedi and Cigar Workers Union has sought scrapping of G.O. 297 which it said deprived about eight lakh workers of employment. Bachchan smoking a cigar and endorsing the electrical appliances of Anchor was displayed on national highway 17 in the State as well as various other places in the country. Decision to print danger symbol on beedi rolls affected the beedi industry and generated a feeling of insecurity among workers he said at the Andhra Pradesh Beedi and Cigar Workers Union city sadassu here.