cheese meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
cheese meaning in tamil is பாற்கட்டி, பால் கட்டி

cheese meaning in tamil with example

cheese tamil meaning and more example for cheese will be given in tamil.
Their individual styles is something like chalk and cheese but they combined well to torment the Pakistanis. The steaming hot pizza that is delivered at your doorstep within 30 minutes might soon have more to offer than just cheese and calories. A statement attributed to the Mujahideen Army which was reported by Reuters in Dubai said Boycotting cheese and dairy products alone is a flimsy stance that fits a weak nation that cannot defend its Prophet. Most packaged food from cereals to processed cheese and fruit juice now come with nutritional information. Most packaged food from cereals to processed cheese and fruit juice now come with nutritional information. Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi as different as chalk and cheese on and off the court played 34 times from 1989 culminating in Samprass final bow when he beat his rival in the 2002 U.S. Open final his 14th Grand Slam title. At the Francophonie mela a Swiss stall Lausanne Et La Region Lemanique will give the visitors a taste of Swiss cheese on the lawns of Lodhi Estate between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. A quiz contest will be held in which the winner will get a surprise gift. The films to be screened at Kala Bhavan are Topsy Turvy Kebab Connection Under the Stars Cheese and Jam The Cistern Escape to Budin Guarded Secrets Kolya Dog Nail Clipper The Souls Haven Viper in the Fist My Russia Squint Your Eyes The Murmuring Coast Gilles Wife and ZusZo. In the hardware tools and fitting section for example you can find car jacks and cheese graters thigh exercisers and pruning shears.