beneath meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
beneath meaning in tamil is அதன்கீழ்

beneath meaning in tamil with example

beneath tamil meaning and more example for beneath will be given in tamil.
We have constructed a galley in the outdoor stadium to accommodate 2000 spectators and beneath the gallery we have provided a dormitory to players with all facilities says Mr. The Moya effect The success of any Spanish player in any tournament is inversely proportional to the amount of grass beneath his feet. Like Acheson and his contemporaries we live in an extraordinary time 151 one in which the terrain of international politics is shifting beneath our feet and the pace of historical change outstrips even the most vivid imagination Ms. Except for a couple seated beneath a beach umbrella and another couple swimming near Edakkal rocks the foreign tourists preferred to sit inside the restaurants dotting the Light House and Eves beaches. Except for a couple seated beneath a beach umbrella and another couple swimming near Edakkal rocks the foreign tourists preferred to sit inside the restaurants dotting the Light House and Eves beaches. The newly discovered species Paedocypris progenetica is a member of the carp family and was caught in a finemesh net as it sheltered beneath trees bordering a flooded forest area on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The enthusiasm of the functionaries mostly secretaries joint secretaries presidents or vicepresidents of the partys localitywise units in fact springs from the rare opportunity they find to have their names inscribed on the hoardings beneath the pictures of their towering leaders. The department will soon buy 1200 microchips to be implanted within the skin beneath the ear of the animal said V.