astonishment meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
astonishment meaning in tamil is ஆச்சரியம், விந்தை, திகைப்பு

astonishment meaning in tamil with example

astonishment tamil meaning and more example for astonishment will be given in tamil.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s CPWD engineers carried out the upgradation of the four metro airports on their own much to the astonishment of experts of the International Civil Aviation Organisation. To the astonishment of his kinsmen assembled his body grew in size that he had to leap across the sea from the peak of the Mahendra mountain. Expressing astonishment over the South African decision he came down heavily on the security firm employed by the ICC. Azad is still trying to save Afzal. The party also expressed astonishment at the Congress playing politics on a sensitive matter related to national security. This has become clear today with Mr. But the breathtaking beauty of the world champions game is no illusion it is as real as the jawdropping astonishment you feel when you first set eyes on Van Goghs Sunflowers. On Saturday night the British civil rights group Liberty expressed astonishment at the plan which will affect the four million Britons who travel to the U.S. each year. To my astonishment when enquired over phone automatic announcement at 15 hours the time was mentioned as 17.15 hours. But Appu insists that he did it because of an error in the teachers singing of a kriti and to the astonishment of all those who had assembled he gives the correct rendition. To the astonishment of the guests they greeted each of them with Hulahuli the traditional ritualistic sound made by women during holy occasions by vibrating the tongue.