obese meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
obese meaning in tamil is மிகவும் பருத்து இருத்தல், கொழுத்த

obese meaning in tamil with example

obese tamil meaning and more example for obese will be given in tamil.
Though bariatric surgery can drastically reduce that expanding waistline the weight loss surgeons calling should involve treating the morbidly obese rather than managing the overweight bariatric specialists have said. The obesity condition by BMI body mass index value is classified ranging from the overweight BMI 25 to 30 category to that of the morbidly obese BMI 40 or above. Though obesity statistics is not available in India rough projections put the number of new cases of obese here at one lakh every year 151 50 per cent of them morbidly obese. In the advertisement the firm published photographs of obese people who turned slim and happy after following the Body Care Weight Loss Inch Loss programme. Babies born to such women may also become diabetic at a very early age if they were obese and had low physical activity. Aadinarayana an obese person stumbled upon a sand dump during the chase and fell down becoming an easy target for Venkateswara Reddy. Childhood obesity is emerging as a major public health concern with one in ten urban Indian children likely to be obese and at risk for the early onset of adult diseases. Childhood obesity is emerging as a major public health concern with one in ten urban Indian children likely to be obese and at risk for the early onset of adult diseases. But for Steve Vaught a morbidly obese man who set out to walk across America to lose weight and find his soul journeys end was in sight. This not only makes them obese but also leads to a variety of problems like psychosocial disturbances hypertension and respiratory dysfunction.