apparatus meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
apparatus meaning in tamil is கருவி, உபகரணம்

apparatus meaning in tamil with example

apparatus tamil meaning and more example for apparatus will be given in tamil.
However the state apparatus was fully aware of the changing trends and would effectively deal with the situation. Once a terrorist attack takes place in a country regardless of its human consequences the entire legislative executive and judicial apparatus tends to focus on the problem. The shifts had been mooted in order to restore social balance in the respective districts besides making an attempt to revamp the party apparatus which were considered to be weak in the aftermath of the split in the party. The government apparatus had taken the form of an inverted pyramid in which planning was done from above and the local institutions were left out said Era Sezhiyan former parliamentarian and senior fellow Institute of Social Sciences. They are fitted with wireless equipment and have firstaid kits spinal boards for those with back injuries splints cervical collars suction apparatus and external defibrillators to deal with cardiac emergencies. A resolution passed at the meet was critical of the way the WTO was reduced to an economic apparatus of a few industrially advanced countries. A resolution passed at the meet was critical of the way the WTO was reduced to an economic apparatus of a few industrially advanced countries. That the intelligence apparatus did not know that the kar sevaks were travelling on the Sabarmati Express does not mean no one else could have been aware of it. P.K. Rami Reddy Hyderabad The security apparatus and intelligence community have been relentlessly working hard.