foetus meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
foetus meaning in tamil is

foetus meaning in tamil with example

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No violator of the PreNatal Diagnostic Techniques Act which prohibits scanning of the foetus to reveal its sex will go scotfree. Addressing a districtlevel advisory committee meeting on Prohibition and Regulation of Foetus Testing Act he said those revealing the gender of the foetus in contravention of the Act were liable to imprisonment for three years and fine of Rs. The committee would send pregnant women to scanning centres and initiate action in cases where the gender of the foetus was disclosed he said. Not giving birth to girls is marked in many regions across the country by what the Nobel prize winning economist Amartya Sen calls hightech sexism 151 determining a foetuss sex and aborting the foetus if it happened to be a female. In one of the raids in February in Dombivli the decoy was seven months pregnant and the doctor was willing to perform an abortion in case the foetus was a girl. A senior doctor said Sex of the foetus can be diagnosed only after 16 weeks during the gestation period. Ultrasound scan is currently considered to be a safe noninvasive accurate and costeffective investigation to keep track of the foetus and has progressively become an indispensable tool in the care of every pregnant woman. The women activists provided a list of doctors mentioning that while 19 of them had agreed to abort the foetus after sex determination one had identified the sex and tried to abort and another had asked for more money to disclose the sex of the unborn child. As per the report women activists submitted a memorandum to the appropriate authority under the PreNatal Diagnostic Techniques Regulation and Prevention of Misuse Act 1994 alleging that 19 of the 21 doctors agreed to abort the foetus after sex determination.