babies meaning in tamil

அகராதி Tamil Meaning
babies meaning in tamil is பால் குடிக்கும் குழந்தை

babies meaning in tamil with example

babies tamil meaning and more example for babies will be given in tamil.
While parents and relatives of the child blamed the hospital staff for negligence the hospital authorities maintained that four other babies in the ward were saved by staff who acted promptly by switched off power. Resident Medical Officer Raj Kumar refuted the claim saying There were five babies in the nursery and four were rescued. Babies with low birth weight babies of diabetic or epileptic mothers premature babies and a few other categories make up the highrisk group. Sugathakumari said most of the mothers who abandoned their newborn babies on hospital verandahs and other places did so because of utter poverty. Much to the pleasant surprise of a gathering of mothers and grandmothers experts from the Social Institute for Development and Rehabilitation SIDAR explained the ability of newborn babies at a screening camp for neonates here. In a release consultant neonatologist Varma Vegesna said that they had installed Jet ventilation to take care of prematurelow birth weight babies with a breath rate of 300 per minute. The babies were hatched out of the eggs the officials had collected from the Kozhikode beach in December. The timings were selected so as to increase their survival rate said senior scientist P.N. Radhakrishnan Nair who released the babies into the sea. Three of the babies have been kept at the institute for the scientists to conduct further studies on the nature of growth of these particular species. Some women were seen with babies in their arms and a few aged ones danced with the party flag in their hands.